Category Archives: Success Stories

Gracie Finds A Family

ImageGracie (now known as Daisy) found her forever home in early July.  When the Hunter’s babysat her for the 4th of July holiday, they immediately knew she made their family feel whole again.  Her older Golden brother, Dallas, was absolutely thrilled to have a gentle but spunky playmate.  They wrestle and roll all around the house and in the yard.  She has a human brother, Wesley, who is about her age.  He has already learned that she is a fantastic friend and fetch partner.  
The Hunters want to thank SEVA GRREAT for bringing this special redhead to our family and for taking such wonderful care of her.  You would never know that active puppy Daisy had major orthopedic surgery!  She is a true success story, and we know she will forever be grateful to all the volunteers that donated time, resources, and love to help her heal and find a family to be by her side for the rest of her life.

We Took Chance

image2Hi, we are the Woodruffs and we just added a new member to our family! His name is Chance. We got him from the new animal shelter on Military Highway in Chesapeake, Virginia (Chesapeake Animal Services). We were not expecting to get a dog that day but we all fell in love with a beautiful Golden that was at animal control. Our family has been crazy over Golden Retrievers and we found the perfect one! We couldn’t take him home that day because he had to get neutered which was a bummer! The day we got him home we found out some bad news … Chance was blind.

We didn’t know what to do because we haven’t taken care of a blind dog before. He was running in to things, falling down stairs, and all of us were so worried about him! I called SEVA GRREAT. Being a former foster home for GRREAT I knew GRREAT would be an invaluable resource. We talked to Dottie Cleal, the President of SEVA GRREAT, and she put us in touch with a GRREAT volunteer who has fostered blind dogs. He gave us some tips on how to take care of Chance. Dottie also put us in touch with a dog trainer who called and e-mailed us information which was also invaluable.

We want to thank the amazing and considerate people who helped us settle him in! Thanks to all the help we received, Chance is doing just GRREAT. We couldn’t have done it without SEVA GRREAT. Thank you so much, everyone.

— The Woodruffs[/]

“Maddie On Things” will put a smile on your face

Now here is a cute story …

Greater Birmingham Humane Society

If you haven’t heard of Maddie the Coonhound yet, you are missing out.

Theron Humphrey rescued her from an animal shelter in Atlanta, GA, and discovered that Maddie had an awesome talent. Now, her owner has published a book, titled Maddie On Things.

Watch the video below to hear her impressive story.

Unfortunately, Maddie on Tour is not coming to Alabama, but you can see the map here.

Your furry friend doesn’t have to know how to balance on a basketball goal to be amazing.  Every animal has its own story and we want to hear how that has become your story.

If you’ve adopted a pet from the GBHS, please consider sending us an e-mail to let us know how you are doing! Feel free to give an update in the comments section of this post. We love receiving photos and stories from you!

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