Monthly Archives: August 2014

Looking for something to do this dreary day? IT’S NOT TOO LATE to go to the CRAFT BEER FESTIVAL!!

+++ 04 Hank-Coutcher02 britanyzoo - AprilAre you just sitting around watching TV and bored to tears?  Time’s a-wasting!  Jump in the car and head to the VIRGINIA CRAFT BEER FESTIVAL before they run out of beer!

Thanks to our GRREAT friends at DoG Street Pub, SEVA GRREAT has been chosen as one of the rescues to benefit from the festivities at the Virginia Craft Beer Festival.

You still have time to get there.  WHERE?  Merchants Square in Williamsburg.  It started a little while ago but if you hurry (but don’t go any faster than your guardian angel can fly!) you can still make it.  Oh, make sure you have a designated driver to come back home.

AND, you can be among the first to see the NEW 2016 CALENDAR!

I’m leaving now!